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360 PLUS: New Organizational FEEDBACK METHODS

            Monday, May 9; For the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan

         The New Feedback methods for national+international Relationships+Commerce are FOR BETTER BUSINESS and staff satisfaction, less conflict and a more sustainable world. We introduce an interactive feedback method that includes

the Good, Bad and the Deepest Needs!

Harvard Business School and others suggest updating "360" business feedback methods because of problems that consume extra time. The new process oriented feedback method follows and realizes everyone's deepest dreams to have better staff and customer relations.

This new method we call,

"721—a New Organizational


has been used in many organizations and even in extremely tense international conflicts around the world.

To understand and apply the new method, Amy and Arny will give a very brief introduction to ProcessWork, and  use, pictures, demonstrations as well as inner work and practice in 2's.

Contact : American Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo Japan.

Venue: 12-2pm at the Tokyo American Club, Tokyo Japan