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Portland Fall Classes

  • PWI Portland, OR USA (map)

Amy’s Classes: Wednesdays September 16+23  from 9:15am – 12:15


Picasso said that when he was young, he could draw like Raphael, but it took his whole life to draw like a child! In this class we’ll explore our “childmind” and how it frees hidden creativity and  brings self discovery. Using simple materials, we’ll explore puppet and mask-making, spontaneous artwork, and the beauty of “mistakes”. Working alone and together as a group, we’ll discover the creativity of our dreaming process and the way our creations teach us about life.



Arny’s Friday afternoon classes Sept 18, 25, Oct 2


Theory, Metaskills and Skills

Dreamwork is the core of many spiritual traditions, psychologies and helpful therapeutic methods. I am especially to thankful to aboriginal shamans I met with Amy in many parts of the world, to Jung and his students for teaching me many helpful methods such as active imagination, word association etc. Thanks to Freud for his earlier approaches and many people such as Fritz Perls, Stanley Krippner and modern researchers for their dreamwork creativity.

To interpret dreams, we must first ask, What are Dreams? Most people agree that dreams describe a layer of reality normally experienced in terms of night time images, or day time fantasies. Processwork, following ancient and modern teachings,  extends dreamwork to include observations of the dreaming process happening at any moment in the body, in relationship communication signals, organizational “ghost-roles”, earth-based vectors, or in processmind experiences. Now, we also include quantum-theoretical experiences and introduce the “vacation effect” to dreamwork

In these 3 classes we redefine dreams unifying worldwide “dreamwork” concepts, update and create new dreamwork methods.  We shall study:

* 1.   Basic Components of the Dream-maker’s Mind; 1,2,3 infinity*

* 2.   Your Inner Wisdom Guide: Dreamwork without (night time) *Dreams

* 3.  To Whom Do Your Dreams Belong? –dreamwork Supervision.

>>note; this class can be taken in Portland and also ONLINE<<Connect with:


Arny’s Fri Evening SUPERVISION Classes Sept 18, 25, Oct 2     7.30-9.30P,M.

  • Fri Sept 18   Supervision: severe illness, near death, 1 to 1, family, organizations.  7:30-9:30PM

Focus on inner development and outer work with severe illness and near death, then one to one, family,and organizational situations

Open to Public, also  Distant Learning via telephone conference, audio and/or video streaming. Contact


  • Fri 25  Case crystallization for groups and organizations(and if time, families, 1-to 1, illness…)7:30-9:30PM

(Welcome pwi program, Macf 6) Focus on inner development and outer work-understanding with all stakeholders in family, organizational, human rights issues and political systems.

Open to the Public, also Distant Learning via telephone conference, audio and/or video streaming Contact


  • Fri Oct 2 Diplomate Supervision  7:30-9:30PM

(For Dips. only) For those meeting face to face, the place is at the Process Work Institute.
For diplomates joining from a distance by phone, please first contact Kamisia at

Dreamwork is the core of many spiritual traditions, psychologies and helpful therapeutic methods. I am especially to thankful to aboriginal shamans I met with Amy in many parts of the world, to Jung and his students for teaching me many helpful methods such as active imagination, word association etc. Thanks to Freud for his earlier approaches and many people such as Fritz Perls, Stanley Krippner and modern researchers for their dreamwork creativity.

To interpret dreams, we must first ask, What are Dreams? Most people agree that dreams describe a layer of reality normally experienced in terms of night time images, or day time fantasies. Processwork, following ancient and modern teachings,  extends dreamwork to include observations of the dreaming process happening at any moment in the body, in relationship communication signals, organizational “ghost-roles”, earth-based vectors, or in processmind experiences. Now, we also include quantum-theoretical experiences and introduce the “vacation effect” to dreamwork

In these 3 classes we redefine dreams unifying worldwide “dreamwork” concepts, update and create new dreamwork methods.  We shall study:

Earlier Event: September 4
A Social Meta-Movement
Later Event: October 17